Blog Post

Let your oil analysis results save you a LOT of money.

Richard Morin • December 28, 2017

By using by-pass filtration, oil analysis results will convince you to extend oil drains based on oil being cleaner than new, and containing no water.

For 25 years we have helped those who use our filtration and who believe in the results that oil analysis indicates, save a LOT of money. Too many people simply look at the oil analysis results, file or save them, and continue to follow the same pattern in their maintenance as they always have. The question is ... WHY pay for oil analysis and then ignore the results? Installing our by-pass filters on your engines, hydraulics, transmissions, gear boxes ... is easy, and once installed the results you see in your oil analysis reports will clearly show you that particle counts are WAY down (15 / 10 ISO), there is NO water, and the reports will show that the oil is "suitable for further service". Doing the same thing the same way has cost you in repairs, down time, parts, labour ... and for what? Let us show you, we are good at what we do.

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