LED Lights applied correctly = LUX where it counts
Richard Morin • August 30, 2019
Lighting is simple, "if" you know what you are doing. Why not ask us?
Strategic Industrial sells and applies Vision X USA lighting simply because it is the best.
- LED lighting is 10 X more efficient, but is often misapplied leading to too much light in some applications.
- What is important is to have the proper "LUX" where it is needed, and this requires a considered approach.
- The image above shows a drift underground that is properly lit up, with regard to eye strain, retinal damage and efficiency.
- In a 24 / 7 totally dark environment underground Vision X do it right.
Whether mounted on mobile equipment or fixed applications, there is a lot to consider when buying LED lights.
- Vision X use top bin LEDs,
- build extensive heat syncs,
- utilize pulse width modulation to extend the life of the lights
- offer appropriate light colour to suit the application
- and much more.
The OEMs who build equipment, whether for mining, construction, utility ... are focussed on making the most money then can on the equipment they sell, this can mean using less than the best components including lighting in order to maximize on their profit.
- Vision X has changed over many lights over the years simply because our focus is to apply the right lighting for the operators, workers, safety ... while also keeping in mind cost and longevity.
Lighting? Call us.